Tempered glass

Tempered glass

Tempered glass is produced based on standard, flat float glass, which is exposed to high temperatures – over 600 °C. Then both sides of the pane are rapidly cooled with compressed air. The toughening process is designed to strengthen the material and give it the desired properties. The occurrence of compressive and tensile stresses makes the glass more resistant to bending, breaking and other damages. Tempered glass is made to measure as it cannot be cut and processed later.

Tempered glass functions as a final product or is a semi-finished product in the production of composite or laminated glass, additionally increasing the strength and safety of these products.


Safety & Security

Increased resistance to temperature changes.

Safer way of breakage: if broken, tempered glass will shatter into lots of small pieces without sharp edges, minimizing the risk of cuts and injuries.


Up to 5-6 times stronger than untoughened glass.


Tempered glass is used in residential and commercial construction.

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